What could sensory processing differences look like in the classroom?

What happens when sensory overwhelm occurs 

Simple Strategies to try

A Sensory Guide For Schools

Donload our free guide on creating sensory-inclusive classrooms, a resource designed to support educators in nurturing an environment that caters to the diverse sensory needs of students. This guide offers insight and practical strategies aimed at assisting teaching staff who are supporting learners with identified or unidentified sensory integration needs. Our goal is to provide you with understanding and support in fostering an inclusive atmosphere within your classroom.

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Sensory Inclusive Schools

Sensory Inclusive Schools (SIS) is a service from Sensory Integration Education that aims to address the need for awareness, understanding, and support for students with sensory integration and processing differences in educational settings. The SIS service provides high-quality training and ongoing support from qualified therapists to embed the skills in your workforce and deliver improved educational outcomes. Sensory Integration Education (SIE), as a not-for-profit organisation, has pioneered world-class training in sensory integration for professionals and parents for 30 years with an international reputation for providing the gold standard in sensory integration education. SIE are now using this expertise and experience to launch sensory integration training and support for schools and school staff.

What could sensory processing differences look like in the classroom?

- Finding it hard to sit still - Not participating in group activities - Fidgeting - Handwriting difficulties - Difficulty changing clothes in PE - Sensitivity to noise and lights etc. Download our free gude and find simple strategies that you can implement in your class TODAY.

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